Monday, July 20, 2009

What is the aim of this blog?

I have already made sufficient money in ghostwriting. Now I have forex and affiliate marketing as two independent monetary sources. I do not intend to go on doing ghostwriting work. It is more time consuming. But at the same time I do want to help lot many aspiring non-native ghostwriters. How can I do that? By providing them opportunities of making money.
There are lot many needy small webmasters. There are lot many non-writer bum marketers who need quality articles at affordable price. There are many middle level webmasters who need good articles Is it possible to make connection between these two groups?
This blog is for all those people who want to meet each other and help each other.

There are already many content provider firms/teams on the net. What will be the difference between them and us?
We can use different bussiness models.
1] Non writer bum marketers can make part payment intially and remaining after the sales starts. This will be sorts of joint venture for both of them.
2] The webmasters can get quality articles at affordable rates.
3] Already well established ghostwriters can pass on their extra work to those non-native writers.
The basic idea here is that small people should help each other.
There can be some issues regarding the quality of work. It is expected that both people should help each other.
What will be my role?
I am not going to make any money in this experiment. I will be moderater. It will be my duty to find out quality writers. If the skills of both the partners match, it will be useful long term relationship for both of them.
In case of serious problem, I will myself write some articles on behalf of these writers.
Normally it should be running smoothely between the two partners.
The main idea is that ultimately both the partners should share the income.
The job of writer will not end with the delivery of articles. He will be involved in understanding the effects of his articles and how to make them more effective next time.
The needs of different webmasters will be different. Accordingly the income shareing model can be evolved. The writer will concentrate more on writing and his partner will concentrate more on money making. But both of them will keep in touch with each other.
It is necessary that we take trustworthy people with us. The future will tell us which webmasters will remain with us in this experiment.
Your suggestions are most welcome. We will evolve these bussiness models all by ourselves.
This is just one try to provide affordable quality content to small guys.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Building Relationships Through Ghostwriting

Why do I want to do this business of ghostwriting?

For making money at any cost, just like all other ghostwriters?

Most certainly not!

I have already forex and affiliate marketing as well established income streams.

Internet marketing is all about building quality relationships.

I enjoy creative part of article writing very much.
The scientist in me enjoys research part very much.
I like to take different new challenges.

I want to take on limited ghostwriting jobs, so that I can deliver good value for your money. I am more interested in long term relationships.

I will be available on net all the time, as this is my full time passion.

Am I going to charge a lot for my ghostwriting work?

Well, certainly not.

I will charge $6 for an article of 450 to 500 words. You will have to order minimum ten articles at one time. You have to pay half the money upfront. You can pay remaining half after completion of the job. All the articles will pass through copyscape premium. If you are unhappy with my work, I will rewrite as per your instructions for second time. But if you are still unhappy with the product, you can get back your money. Please remember I am not here to cheat you. I am interested in long term relationships.

Please do not expect any samples from me.

I will take minimum one day and maximum seven days to complete your job depending upon the work load at that time.

I want to evolve this creative content service for different reasons and in a different manner. Please contact me at


Finance related topics covered by me

Broad Category: [G] Finance
1] Lifelock
2] Watchdog
3] Free government grants
4] Mutual funds
5]wage garnishment.
6] Unemployment
7] Head hunting
8] Tax forms
9]Stock ticker
10] House foreclosure
11] Home refinancing
12] Home buying tips

Auto related topics covered by me

Broad Category: [F]Auto related
1] Auto detailing
2] Scooter
3] Water fuel
4] Model trains
5] Toy tractors
6]Harley Davidson Bikes

Shopping related topics covered by me

Broad Category: [E] Shopping
1] Best Buy
2]Home depot
3] shopping sales
4] Sony Psp
6] Holiday and shopping
7] ikea
8] Ice Hotel
9] Fake articles
10] Costco
11] itunes
12] Ugg
13] Sandals
14]Microwave oven
15] rooibos
16] Toaster
17] Bunn Coffee

Business related topics covered by me

Broad Category: [D] Business related topics
1] Home refinancing
2] Home buying tips.
3] House foreclosure
4] Head hunting
5] Unemployment
7] Interior design.
8] Online newspaper
9] Tax forms
10] progress Bar.

technology related topics covered by me

Broad Category:[C] Technology related topics
1] Multimedia
2] CD
3] Lifelock
4]digital tv
5] Server
6] VPS
7] Linux
8] Fta
9] Large Hydron collider
10] Gogle phones.
11] Dedicated Server
12] Google talk
13] Pirate Download
14] Stock ticker
15] Store stacker
16] RSS
17] itunes
19] Symantec

Family related topics covered by me

Broad category [B] Family related topics.
1] Genealogy
2] Senior Citizen.
3] Ice Hotel.
4] Home refinancing
5] Home buying tips.
6] Holiday and shopping
7] Wicca
8] Toy Tractors
9] Dog Care
10] Bunn Coffee
11] Sandals
12] Toaster
13] Microwave oven
14] Patchwork
15] Interior design
16] Model trains
17] Movie trailers

Health and beauty topics covered by me.

Broad Category: A] Health and Beauty related
1] Eczema
2] Nutrition
3] Botox
4] Creme De Lamer
5] Cologne
6] Perfume
7] Face peel.
8] Thunder thighs
9] Shea butter.
10] Pancreatitis
11] Rooibos

Friday, July 17, 2009

What was I doing for last 16 months?

Well, the answer is simple. I was ghostwriting. I was writing on lot many different types of topics. I have written in topics as diverse as genealogy, eczema, finance, real estate, retail store chains, shopping sales, multimedia, google phones, nutrition, large hadron collider, and many more. I will be publishing the post with details about the topics that I have already covered. I needed money badly. I had to take as much work as possible and do my best. In emergency situations I have even written 25 well researched articles in one complete day. Now that phase of needing money badly is over. Being a retired scientist, my research skills were already well established. I have published books in my native language. This means my credentials as creative writer were also very well established.
Now that I have ghostwritten thousands of articles in lot many diverse topics my article writing skill for internet marketing is also well established.

I have well established forex and affiliate marketing business. This means that I need not do ghostwriting for money ONLY. I enjoy creative part of writing very much. I will like to do ghostwriting in future also. But the reasons will be different now. Why will I continue to do ghostwriting? Watch my next post.